Wednesday, September 7, 2011

me foolosophy

someday you'll understand

your most precious friends are the ones that you sometimes hated
the ones that sometimes were a dick or a bitch for you, but they didn't mean to

friendship is not merely about going out together everywhere
it's rather how you connect with them with hearts

and you share your love in frindship

the more you have things in common with your friend,
perhaps the stronger the bond you make with them

but life is about moving on
moving on to leave your convinience for the better one

it takes a lot for moving on; courages and sacrifice
but it is worthed

your friends are the ones who'll support you whole-heartedly

the ones that you hate or your enemies are precious for you, too
without them, you won't learn about competition which is the essence of social life besides the so-called love and compasssion

you learnt that when you try not to hurt someone; you'll hurt someone else

people say 'be you self'; but the better one is 'be your best self'
you are fragile, you can't deny it
when you don't eat, you will get weak and fragile
you are also emotionally fragile, just face that
that's human's nature

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